Joey Santiago, founding member and lead guitarist of one of the most iconic college radio bands, Pixies, talks about meeting college radio DJs while touring the United States.…
Author: Michael
College Radio Alumni: Jason Miller

Name: Jason Miller
College: University of Hawaii
Radio Station: KTUH-FM
Years Active: 1993-96
Position(s): DJ, Promotions Director
Favorite Bands: punk rock by friends around the world like GBH, Rancid, Lower Class Brats, The Forgotten, The Casualties, The Vandals, TSOL, Noi!se……
Tabula Rasa on doing interviews on KTCU
Robert E. Boggs, Owen Kinser and Jason LaMarca of Tabula Rasa talk about doing interviews on the college radio station at Texas Christian University, KTCU.…
My First Shift: WUSB, Fall 1969
“Five Songs” is a series where we ask former and current college radio DJs to give us a list of five songs that they feel best represents the chosen topic. For this playlist, Norman Prusslin, founding General Manager of WUSB at Stony Brook University, chooses five songs that remind him of his first ever DJ shift.…
College Radio Alumni: Peggy La Point, WRST

Name: Peggy La Point
College: University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Radio Station: WRST
Years Active: 1984-1989
Position(s): DJ (84-89), Program Director (87), Asst. Station Manager (88), Station Manager (88)
Favorite Bands (then): I don’t know where to start here.…
Twenty-Five Debut Albums You Heard on College Radio First
The debut album is tricky. Many great artists have debut albums that show raw potential but not a lot of polish, or that don’t really represent what they would eventually become (Radiohead falls into this category).
Then, there are debut albums that are undeniable masterpieces, like the ones on this list.…
The Telecommunications Act of 1996 Killed Local Radio
Twenty-six years ago, President Bill Clinton signed the “Telecommunications Act of 1996”, a landmark overhaul of telecommunications law that completely changed the landscape of broadcasting in the United States. Billed as a way to allow any business to compete in the communications sphere, some of the most damaging provisions instead drove many small broadcasters out of the market, while allowing large corporations to scoop up broadcast licenses and reduce the number of independent voices in communities across the country.…
KTXT Alum James Faust on Hearing “Smells Like Teen Spirit”
In 1991, Nirvana was known to college radio fans but had not yet released Nevermind and the world-changing lead single, “Smells Like Teen Spirit”. James Faust, the station manager of KTXT at the time, recalls hearing the song for the first time.…
My First Shift: WIDB, Spring 1982
“Five Songs” is a series where we ask former and current college radio DJs to give us a list of five songs that they feel best represents the chosen topic. For this playlist, John Bernstein, producer of 35000 Watts: The Story of College Radio, chooses five songs that remind him of his first ever DJ shift at WIDB at Southern Illinois University.…
College Radio Alumni: Jesse Robinson, WGMU Radio

Name: Jesse Robinson
College: George Mason University
Radio Station: WGMU Radio
Years Active: 2012-2016
Position(s): DJ (12-16) Program Director (13-14), General Manager (15-16)
Favorite bands (either during your time at the college radio station or now, or both!)…